Answering Common Questions Motorists Have For Truck Drivers

More often than not, these drivers find themselves inconvenienced by the maneuvers truckers make on the road, and have probably cursed the driver for making such a move.
It’s not exactly uncommon for a car motorist to claim they hate truck drivers. More often than not, these drivers find themselves inconvenienced by the maneuvers truckers make on the road, and have probably cursed the driver for making such a move. But every truck driver is constantly calculating the best moves, and has the important conviction to keep everyone safe. If you’ve ever wanted to ask a trucker, “Why on Earth do you do that?” then this blog is for you.
Driving Slower Than Traffic
Occasionally, truck drivers may seem to be driving much slower than the flow of traffic, which can cause drivers to get frustrated. On two lane highways, this can create bottlenecks wherein one truck, going 64 mph, is trying to pass a truck going 62 mph. It can take a while to pass going this speed, and the motorist behind the two trucks might be going 80 mph. But a truck driver can only pass so quickly; trucks weigh literally tons, and their hauls are weight down their beds. They can’t make sudden accelerations. The best thing to do is to just be patient, and the trucker will move to the right lane once all is clear.
Running Red and Yellow Lights
Keep in mind the point mentioned above, that says trucks weigh too much to accelerate quickly. On the flip side, they also have a hard time stopping suddenly, especially at red lights. If the trucker has too much momentum as the light turns yellow or red, they will keep driving and run it. Slamming on their brakes is dangerous, and often risks more lives than running a red light.
Cutting off Cars
Pulling out quickly in front of quickly moving traffic is usually done in order to avoid a collision or a hazard. Slowing down can mean miles of building up speed again, and truck drivers simply don’t have the time to waste. Most of the time, truckers have no desire to cut you off and they don’t want to make anyone angry. Please, if you see any reason that a trucker might need to pull in front of you, be courteous and let them in!
For more information and news about truck driving, follow our blog at Middleton & Meads!
Middleton & Meads. provides quality truck and bus repair, service, and fleet management for the Baltimore, MD area. We have over 90 years of experience in the trucking industry and will provide you with customer service like you have never experienced before! If you are interested in seeing how we can help your business, give us a call at (410) 752-5588 or visit us online today! For more articles and trucking tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and LinkedIn.