What Are the Benefits of Team Trucking?

The benefits of team trucking are easy to understand—more manpower and a companion on the road make every job easier and more enjoyable.
In the vast world of logistics, where timely deliveries are the lifeblood of businesses, the role of trucking is indispensable. As the backbone of the transportation industry, truckers are always on the road, ensuring goods reach their destinations promptly. While most people think of trucking as a solo career, the truth is that team trucking has gained popularity in recent years. Team trucking offers a better way to transport goods by being more efficient, ensuring deliveries get to their destinations faster, and staving off loneliness and depression in drivers.
It’s More Efficient
Team trucking may seem like it might not be preferred by companies, especially in light of the current driver shortage. However, many owners recognize the significant rise in efficiency that team trucking offers. Teams are more likely to be assigned to jobs that have a very strict time limit because they can cover more distance much quicker than solo drivers. Generally, while one person of the team is driving, the other one is in the sleeping area of the cab getting rest to prepare for their shift. By switching between drivers, they can keep the truck on the road both day and night and significantly reduce downtime.
It’s Less Lonely
While some truck drivers enjoy the lifestyle because they enjoy the alone time, many drivers tend to get lonely while they’re out on a job—especially long-haul truck drivers. Being alone on the road for days or weeks can negatively affect even the most introverted drivers.
Many team truckers are typically married partners or friends. Knowing who you’re driving with is important because you will need to be able to communicate well and get along with each other in tight quarters. Knowing and enjoying the company of your teammate can make all the difference in your experience on every job.
It Can Pay More
Since team truckers are usually given high-priority and time-sensitive jobs, they are often paid more than solo drivers. This isn’t always the case, so it’s important to do your research before signing on with a company—know what you will get paid. Keep in mind that team truckers split their payment 50/50, so you will need to know how much each individual will get per job in order to make an informed decision. This is actually one of the reasons why team trucking works so well for married partners—you don’t need to worry as much about individual pay.
Need to repair your truck or bus? Contact Middleton & Meads today! Middleton & Meads provides quality truck and bus repair, service, and fleet management for the Baltimore, MD area. We have over 90 years of experience in the trucking industry and will provide you with customer service like you have never experienced before! If you are interested in seeing how we can help your business, give us a call at (410) 752-5588 or visit us online today! For more articles and trucking tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and LinkedIn.