3 Reasons Why Road Signs Matter So Much
Every driver needs to obey all of the applicable road signs no matter where they go. This rule of thumb is even more important for truckers. That’s because they spend so much time in unfamiliar surroundings, and it doesn’t matter how much experience they get. Here’s a quick glance at some of the reasons why road signs are so important. Oh, the places you’ll go!

Rules and Regulations
First of all, it’s essential to stay on top of all the rules and regulations of the road. Laws are in place for a reason: to protect you as well as other motorists out on the road. You can see how high the speed limit goes, where the exits are, where you can merge, and where you can attempt to do a U-turn. Getting a ticket is something every driver would like to avoid, and the same could be said of being involved in an accident.
Potential Hazards
The weather could be different at your destination from where you set out. By following all road signs, you can be alerted to potential road hazards, whether or not mother nature is to blame. These signs should be easier to see since they are bright yellow. Slowing down for road work ahead is also crucial since it takes longer for a truck to slow down than a regular passenger vehicle. Highway signs are of particular interest since they have more information about road conditions along the next stretch of pavement. Sometimes it’s easier to keep your eyes peeled for information about road closures than it is to listen to the radio or pay attention to a smartphone app that might end up becoming an unnecessary distraction.
All drivers could use more information as they try to get to where they’re going. Keep an eye out for brown and blue signs, as these indicate where you can refuel, get something to eat, or find a place to rest when you’re tired. You’ll also be able to find the next weigh station for your cargo and get more directions in case you are lost.