5 Items You Should Keep in Your Truck

Every truck driver has some items that they keep in their truck to keep them sane during the next long haul. It’s always good to be prepared in case of an emergency that happens out on the road and you can’t radio for help. Here are some of the items that you can’t be without the next time you get behind the wheel:
A Road Atlas
Even with the rise of GPS technology, it’s always a good idea to keep a road atlas in your truck. That’s because these items can help you figure out where you need to go when you can’t get a good enough signal on your devices, whether or not they were issued to you by your dispatcher. This atlas also helps you make sure that you aren’t straying from the route that will help you reach your destination. Choose one that is made of paper, since they’re cheap. But if you are rough on the things that you keep with you, then maybe a laminated one is a better choice instead.
Pen and Paper for Notes
Make sure you keep more than one pen in your cab. Then be sure to hang onto to some loose leaf paper or a notebook. You never know when you need to take notes. This means you’ll be able to scribble notes to yourself, whether you are using sticky notes or able to write directly on the atlases that you have been using as you crisscross the country.
A Cooler
Having a cooler will be a lifesaver when you are driving on an unbearably hot day. With the cooler in your truck, you can make sure that snacks, drinks, and medicine can be kept cool until you’re ready to eat them or use them. Fruits, veggies, and bottled water all need to be kept cold so that they will taste their best. At least, most of the time they do. A collapsible cooler will be your best friend, especially when it comes to saving space in your cramped cabin.
A Flashlight
You need a flashlight, no matter where you go. That way, you can see in the dark.
A Shower Caddy
This sounds silly, but taking a shower can help you feel better, especially after a long night drive. When you’re exhausted, a shower can be a good way to refresh yourself when you stop to rest and recharge.
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