Tips for Keeping a Balanced Diet While on the Road

While an every once in a while indulgence isn’t going to do too much damage, you should do your best to keep a balanced diet for as much of the time as possible while you’re out on the road.
Marketing is an unbelievably powerful tool. Those sugary, salty, and or fattening snacks and meals you see all over truck stops and convenience stores are specially designed to make you think that your body needs all those things and crave them. While an every once in a while indulgence isn’t going to do too much damage, you should do your best to keep a balanced diet for as much of the time as possible while you’re out on the road.
Keep it Fresh
Fresh fruits and vegetables are the way to go! What’s even better is that most of them don’t require refrigeration, so even if you’re out on a long haul you can take a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies (pre-washed!) with you to munch on during your job. Fresh produce is the foundation of a balanced diet. When it’s time for a pit stop, you can satisfy that craving for something sweet with some grapes or an apple rather than reaching for that packet of super-processed “treats” that are packed with sugar. If it’s something crunchy you need, try reaching for carrots or celery rather than potato chips.
Water, Water Everywhere
One of the best things you can do for your body is to drink a whole lot of water. Even when you’re straining the last bit of your energy to make it to that night stop and you need a boost to get there, grabbing some caffeine at the nearest truck stop is not a good idea. Most caffeinated beverages, particularly coffee, actually have a dehydrating effect. When you get dehydrated, you actually get more tired. Sometimes, coffee really feels necessary. For those times, just make sure you’re following those sips of coffee with large gulps of water. Your body is about 70% water, after all, so you really need a lot to function!
The Right Amount of Protein
Another important component of a balanced diet is protein. Whether you’re getting your protein from powder, meat, or a plant-based source, it is an essential part of your diet. A lot of the meals you’ll find on the road are super high in carbohydrates and fat, but lacking in protein. If you’re unable to pre-pack your meals, try to find choices that are high in protein. Even if you’re just eating a handful of trail mix for a snack, that could be just enough protein to give you a much-needed energy boost.
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