Truckers: Work-Life Balance Tips

Truckers should unplug when they spend time with their loved ones
Truckers have many advantages by working in the trucking industry. The hours on the road are long, but the job can be fun and rewarding. Long-haul drivers get to see various parts of the country while having the freedom of not living a “9-5.” lifestyle, and on top of that, the pay is excellent. The only downside to being a long-haul driver is that you don’t get to see your loved ones as much as you’d appreciate. Here are a few work-life balance tips that truckers will find valuable.
Truckers (And All People) Should Take a Break From Technology
Whenever you take your vacation or time off, remember to unplug yourself from technology and connect with those you love. The point is that you want to unwind, and being immersed in technology doesn’t always allow people to do that thoroughly. It’s also acceptable to have some time to yourself and read a book, rest, or go for a hike. It’s vital to have an active lifestyle, especially if you have many days away from the road.
Keep a Schedule for Reaching Out to Loved Ones
Just like truckers are busy on the road, so are your loved ones on the home front. It’s easy to think that loved ones will call you every time they have a free minute, but that’s not always the case, depending on their work schedule and obligations. Therefore, you should use technology to your advantage (in this case) and set up a consistent time frame where you can video chat or call your loved ones. One of many ways to prevent relationships from falling through the cracks is to keep communicating.
Remember That You Don’t Need a Gym to Stay Healthy.
An all-too-common misconception is that you have to go to a gym to stay healthy or fit, but you don’t. Most of keeping your weight down when you live a sedentary lifestyle involves controlling your caloric intake. In other words, if you watch what you eat, you’ll be doing yourself a big favor. Opt for salads and healthier cold cut options, and remember to drink plenty of water. As far as exercise, you can find anything on YouTube. We’re confident that you can find workout videos ideal for truckers, or you can merely take a long walk.
Explore Your Entertainment Options
Podcasts, audiobooks, and music can keep truckers entertained. You can listen to every topic known to man. Are you a team driver? While your partner is taking over, you can also enjoy a movie or two. Streaming services have been increasing in popularity for a long time, but now you can have them right on your phone or tablet. We suggest you take advantage of that.
Need to repair your truck or bus? Contact Middleton & Meads today! Middleton & Meads provides high-quality truck and bus repair, service, and fleet management for the Baltimore, MD, area. We have over 90 years of experience in the trucking industry and will provide you with customer service like you have never experienced before! If you are interested in seeing how we can help your business, give us a call at (410) 752-5588 or visit us online today! For more articles and trucking tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and LinkedIn.