How to Prevent Tire Blowouts During the Summer

Ensuring that tire pressure is at the proper levels is a key part of proper preventative maintenance for your fleet’s vehicles.
Tire pressure is as important for commercial fleet drivers as it is important for regular drivers on the road. Ensuring that tire pressure is at the proper levels is a key part of proper preventative maintenance for your fleet’s vehicles. Even as the summer time is dwindling, extreme heat can take its toll on vehicle tires. Here is a helpful guide on how to prevent tire blowouts during the summer.
Inspect Tire Health
The first step towards preventing a dangerous blowout on the road is to inspect tire health and keep all of your tires in prime condition. When inspecting the tires, look at the state of the treads and the integrity of the belts and casings for the tires. The treads on the tires can be worn away due to the tires themselves getting too hot from the asphalt. Heat damage can also cause the belts and casings to fail. Visible signs of these tire components failing include the belts decaying, or become so frayed that they pull away from the tire casing.
Tires also need a specific level of pressure to operate correctly. The ideal operating pressure is 80%, and anything below this level means that the tires are more vulnerable to exploding due to the scorching heat. Even in colder temperatures, improperly pressurized tires are likely to fail as well. Colder temperatures may not seem like a concern during the summer – but consider your possible destination.
Proper Inflation is Important
Why is proper inflation so important? Properly inflated tires are more durable, and can better withstand the stresses of constant travel at high speeds over uneven roads or road conditions that might change in the blink of an eye. It is important to note that properly inflated tires are more resistant to heat. Fleet drivers should inspect their tires every day, especially in between trips. Ensuring tires are at proper levels of pressure is easiest when the tires and the air around them are roughly the same temperature, a measurement known as ambient temperature. Ambient temperature levels tend to be at their lowest in the morning, before the heat has time to affect the tires.
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