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Alignment System

Alignment System

Truck, Bus, RV, & Trailer Alignment in Maryland, Northern Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania

If your commercial truck, bus, or trailer has a mind of its own and drifts to one side while you drive it, it may be time to consider a wheel alignment. Middleton & Meads uses the Hunter Heavy-Duty Alignment System, designed specifically for vehicles we service in the Maryland, Northern Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania areas. We can align any vehicle to the latest specifications at each of our sites. The Hunter Alignment System assists our technicians in diagnosing problems with the vehicle’s camber, caster, and toe so that the correct adjustments may be made to the vehicle. The Hunter system also delivers detailed information on alignment issues and their adjustments. Call Middleton & Meads at 410-752-5588 to request an estimate for your alignment service or visit our shop in the Baltimore area for personalized and professional services.  

Key-Indicators That Your Bus or Truck Require Vehicle Alignment Services

Middleton & Meads specializes in commercial alignment services, including buses and trucks. Every job we perform is designed to meet or exceed MD state inspections to ensure your vehicles are safe for your drivers and passengers for the foreseeable future. Your vehicle’s wheels operate as a team to keep you driving straight. A wheel alignment ensures that each wheel is completing its function. Key indicators that your heavy-duty bus or truck needs alignment services from Middleton & Meads:

  • Pulling to one side. Your bus or truck might need an alignment if it consistently pulls to the left or right while driving straight.
  • Steering difficulty. If your steering wheel is not in the center when driving straight, it could be due to alignment issues. Vibrations occurring in the steering wheel can also indicate misaligned wheels.
  • Uneven tire wear. This is the most prevalent sign, with rapid wear on one side of the tire or uneven wear across the tread clearly indicating misalignment.
  • Recent impact or repairs. Always ensure that your alignment is inspected after any significant suspension repairs or collisions.

Why Choose Us for Heavy-Duty Commercial Alignment System Services?

Are you experiencing driver fatigue by keeping your truck or bus moving straight without extra steering effort? Or steering wheel vibrations? You lose money every day you operate your company without your full fleet. That is why you must find a qualified commercial vehicle alignment company to complete the work you need quickly and efficiently. At Middleton & Meads, we have many years of comprehensive experience performing heavy-duty alignment services. Our professional truck alignment provides accurate results, extending tire lifespan and improving fuel efficiency and vehicle safety, which helps prevent expensive future repairs. We have comprehensive training, certification, and tools to complete alignment services and get your fleet performing like new again. 

Call Us Today for Heavy-Duty Commercial Alignment Systems!

Having a correctly adjusted alignment can assist the customer to enhance fuel economy and the condition of the vehicle’s tires. Contact Middleton & Meads at 410-752-5588 for commercial truck alignment services. Or email us at customerservice@middletonmeads.com. Our family-owned and- operated company has the reputation for delivering reliable alignment services within Maryland, Northern Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. With over a century of experience in the transportation industry, our team will provide you with customer service like you have never experienced before. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!